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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Lee Mentley

Happy Vanlentines Lee...!

In RM-COUNSEL@yahoogroups.com, Lee Mentley wrote:

Happy Valentines Cal...!

I always enjoy your posts and know you have a bright and joyful mind...! I thought it was strange as a child that Jesus was never a christian, never read the New Testament and probably was married to Mary of Magdala or he wouldn't have been called Rabbi..., simple facts for a Jew of that time. After all he was born and died a Jew. As you say why would a god come to earth and not have a fully human experience. I also think he had a loving experience with John and Lazarus and the young boy he brought back to life who asked to know him, so they spent the night together...! I see quite clearly that god has nothing to fear let alone what was created or sexuality...!

Seeking joy and highest good, even if that means recycling the whole mess...!

Praise the Goddess...! www.HRHLeeMentley.com

HRH Lee Mentley
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than
standing in your garage makes you a car"