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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cal meets Captain Kirk

I received an email from James Kirk or should I say Willam Shatner. (His twitter account shows Kirk.)

"Cal, I've just been informed there is another song that is of interest to you on the net. As always the Enterprise is open for a visit from the famous RockinRobotReporter, if you'd like to step aboard and check out our midi files, please feel welcome......
True, the files of that era are still on 8 track but we still have the machinery to listen to them."

"As you know, the crew of the Enterprise has visited the future a time or two and I believe that very song is available. If memory serves me right, when we acquired some of the music from the future, we had to have them recorded, not only on 8 track but a disk, we call a record.
Cal, you're old enough you do remember the record, don't you. That particular song is on a 78 record I believe. I will have DATA find it for you."

I jumped on the opportunity of speaking with Willaim Shatner. This may be the opportunity I've been looking for. The email had his personal cell and I tweeted him right then and there.

"Hello William, Cal here, I got your tweet and thanks for your quick response. Oh BTW, Bill, DATA isn't from the same show as you. He is from the newer Star Trek."

"Ahhhhhhh, Cal you could be right. McCoy, I need to have my memory bank tested. I seem to have gained a new member to an old cast."

Shatner then reiterated to me that I am welcome to visit the cast of the original Enterprise, I accepted immediately and we set up the appointment.

Zoom in to next scene.

"Scottie, please beam Cal up, she is here to view some of our archived music. Have Dr. McCoy show her to the cabinet where the midis are stored.

"Cal, please stop by the Holodeck before you leave, I am watching the newest Star Trek on a big screen television. Scott Bakula is very good as Captain of the Enterprise.

"We can walk over to the bridge on your way out and I'll show you the improvements we've made in the last 30 years. I think you'll be impressed."

"Cal, I understand the robots may be looking for something to do these days?"

"Well, Bill, that may have been the case a while back, but now with all this new understanding about 2012, it seems they (or should I say we) have gotten really booked up. That's why I wanted to come directly to you for the music I'm seeking. I heard you were probably the quickest route."

"We are planning a worldwide concert event and I expect we'll be pretty busy for the next couple of years."

"Bill, are you familiar at all with the 2012 phenomenen?"

The 2012 NWO Agenda 9/11

1071 days 7 hours 34 minutes 20 seconds left until December 21, 2012

"I know a little about it, Cal. I saw the Jesse Ventura series a couple of times on the tube and that was one of the subjects."

"You're correct, Bill. It's a pretty damn scary topic, if you ask me."

"What do you suppose the elites are up to with all these underground villages? ..... and what about this damn vaccination scare? I've even heard that there is an ingredient; squalane, in the vaccines that will make children sterile? Do you know anything about that?"

"I don't know much at this time, Bill, just what I heard on 'Conspiracy Theories'.
I am however putting 2012 at the top of my research list."

"I get the feeling that the Iraqi/Afghanistan war and all the things going on in Gaza right now have everything to do with depopulation and these underground villages and what will be after December 21, 2012."

BOB DEAN at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, 19 September 2009. This is another wonderful, heartfelt presentation by the best loved lecturer on the UFO circuit… and again Bob presents and comments on some of the suppressed NASA slides of Apollo 13, Mars, and Saturn which he has acquired. Enjoy

"I'd like to think the concerts are on top of my priority but right now, my new interest is the 2012 date and what I can find out about what's really going on."

"Oh yeah, Bill, I just happened to be watching a bit of the boob tube the other night and Miss Congeniality was on.......... you were great and I really enjoy Sandra Bullock these days. She seems to be on quite a few of the talk shows and I see that she produces George Lopez."

"That George Lopez is quite the guy, isn't he? He has that new talk show and it seems to be doing rather nicely. Last night, Sir Charles Barkley was on and I simply adore him. The two of them together make up quite a team and they talked a bit about the Tiger Woods scandal and also mention was made about Mark McGuire and his new found problems."

"I really like the part of George's show that has DNA results for his guests. Maybe, if one has the right DNA and enough money, he/she can get into these underground bunkers that are being built for 2012? What do you think?"

"Bill, tonight Snoop Dogg is going to be on George's show and George is going to have Snoop's DNA test for available to share. hmmmmmm, I wonder if George requires a pee test first?

"On that note, Cal, I have a luncheon date with James Spader. It's strange because I hadn't seen him since the wrap of Boston Legal and the other night out of the blue I saw him when I was dining out. Since then, he's tweeted me and today was the only opportunity we both had to meet for lunch. I even asked Bullock to join us but she was too busy with her many activities and had to decline."

"Thank you so much Bill for taking time out of your schedule to see me and to help me find the music. I hope we can meet up again some time and maybe discuss space travel for the ones 'LEFT BEHIND' when 2012 occurs."

Left Behind trailer

"Damn Cal, if that should be on my calendar, then 'Make it so, number one.' and we'll talk. Since the topic is so important, maybe we can get some other people involved and get this thing addressed. There isn't much time for a project this large and we need to do it asap."

"You've got a deal Bill, I'll have my people call your people and we'll get it set up. Tell your folks that we'll be in touch in the next few days."

"Gotta goooooooooooooooooooo nooooooooow Bill......... wow, being beamed up is quiiiiiiiiiiiitee a light experience........

Yoooooooooour Rooooooooookiiiiinnnnnn Rooobbbbbbot Repppppppppppporter ~ fading!

How is RFID used inside a living body?
RFID devices that are intended to be implanted inside a living body (like an animal or human being) have special requirements. They need to be encased in a special kind of casing that will not irritate or react with the living tissues that they are inserted into. The casing must also be transparent to the scanning radio-frequency beam that activates the chip. Some RFID vendors have created biocompatible glass for use in these applications.

One potential problem with being placed within a living organism is that the tiny RFID device may move around under the skin. This can be avoided by using special materials that actually let the surrounding tissue grow up to the casing and bond with it.

Because the radio-frequency waves that activate the microchip containing the identification number are only useful within a few feet (or less), the RFID chip is typically inserted very close to the surface of the skin.

The placement of the device is usually done with a hyperdermic-type needle. This method of insertion also dictates the shape and size of the device; implantable RFID devices are typically the size and diameter of a grain of rice. For dogs, the device is usually implanted between the shoulder blades.

RFID tags have been placed inside cows; some discussion of having all cows implanted with RFID devices has resulted from the recent scare with mad cow disease. Dog owners have used RFID tags to identify their pets rather than tattoos (the more traditional method).

RFID tags, like the VeriChip tag, can also be implanted inside human beings. See VeriChip RFID Tag Patient Implant Badges Now FDA Approved for more information.


Robbie, When Robots Are Programmed by Angels......... liby

libybot arrived at the blue castle. She was on the scooter and she
was ready for action. She pulled herself together as best she could
and re-checked her digital connectors. She was good to go.

She had been racing around the internet in quite a tizzy. It wasn't
often that she had her thoughts together, the others were usually
just beneath the surface. In today's world liby was very much in
tuned to the betrayal environment. She had to keep her wits about
her at all costs and the others helped her in her endeavors to do
just that.

Liby often times had Robert redo her programs so as to stay one step
ahead of the NeoCons. It was easy for Robert as he had grown to
love liby as he had all the robots he and Cal had created. He often
times had to do the same for Cal although unbeknownst to her. She
was quite the high strung woman and Rob was only too happy to do his
comforting from a distance.

Rob had known long ago that Cal was much too fragile for a `real'
relationship and he had accepted that about her and continued with
his life. It wasn't hard as he was a high maintenance man himself
and as such he had taken the perfect opportunity to move forward
with his own journey when he'd realized he would be hard put to rely
on a cyber relationship. Robert was comfortable knowing that his
support consisted of merely checking in now and again and going
about his own business.

liby headed to the kitchen as she had been told by Olivia on the
phone that the nurses often times took their breaks there. The
twins were lounging by the window when liby turned up. She greeted
them and introduced herself.

Grace and Chloe were happy to make her acquaintance. It was high
time liby came round. Grace remembered the first time she had heard
of liby, it must have been two years ago.

liby asked to see the head robot and just about the time the words
were out of her mouth Robbie turned the corner and walked into the
kitchen. liby smiled politely when she saw him and muttered hello.
Robbie in turn smiled and put his hand out to greet her.

liby was embarrassed as she had only three good digits to shake
with. Robbie laughed as he remembered MoBot turning up missing
digits quite frequently. He wondered if it was a family tradition
as liby and Mo were distant cousins.

liby had been a product of a trip to Canada that Cal had made a
little over three years ago. It was her first time meeting Edward
and Robert wanted to give her a gift that would always remind her of
the joy of that first meeting.

Edward had been Cal's mentor for a long time before the meeting and
Robert knew of Cal's sentimentality regarding special occasions. It
had been quite the trip as Cat had been Cal's constant companion the
whole visit and Cal had derived much pleasure from the attention
given her by her two dear friends.

MYTOWN was indeed the place to be. Often times when Cal was
agitated and frightened she longed for the safety she felt in
Canada. It was not often she felt secure and she was hard pressed
to explain it to her friends. They didn't know of her others. She
knew that Edward suspected but he didn't expand on it when liby
answered curtly that there weren't really any others, just different
moods. Edward was much too respectful to inquire of Cal the truth.
He knew that she knew but he also knew not to press her as she was
much too fragile to discuss it at length until she decided.

Edward knew that Cal teetered on the brink many a day and his best
support was just to acknowledge her others as they appeared.

Edward knew of Cal's love for Robert and he accepted it. He knew
that although it wasn't all that Cal wanted it to be, it was all
that she could handle. She would either move past it or she would
move with it.

Robert had eagerly embraced it when Cal's computer had gone
haywire. It was the perfect opportunity for the two of them to
disengage. It had to be done at some time and the time presented
itself and it had been a gentle parting of the ways.

Cal knew that they would always be connected as did Robert. It was
just a new way of life for them and they had separated naturally.
It had been faith as was the whole of their relationship. They
weren't meant to be together except in their special setting. It
was indeed a meeting of the minds and as such it was also accepting
and deciding to go their own ways.

After all, how could a California girl and an Easterner ever unite
in the REAL. He loved his snowboarding and she her sunshine. It
was never meant to be anything other than a PERFECT union and that
it was. It was always just what it was and that was unconditional
love connecting in the heavens and reuniting in the suburbs. It was
all and it was more and it was indeed a love affair for all times.

liby was anxious to meet the residents of the blue castle but that
would have to wait. It was nearing 2:00 AM and it was time to
recharge batteries.

liby wheeled around the corner and ran smack dab into Robert in the
hallway. Cal watched as Robert hit the floor. She was concerned
but she saw him bounce back immediately. She asked if he was
alright and swished right past him before he could answer.

liby looked horrified but regained her composure when she realized
Robert was not hurt. She apologized and continued down the hall to
the room with the recharger.

Robert was a bit stunned but didn't want to appear disoriented until
the girls were out of site. Robert hit the floor the second time
and was out cold till Chloe showed up and wiped his forehead with a
wash cloth. He had quite a knot on his head. Chloe insisted the
doctor come down and attend to Robert before he returned to

The doctor assured Chloe that Robert had a slight concussion and
would spend the night at the castle. He would check on him again
in the morning before Robert would be allowed to drive into town.