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Friday, May 29, 2009

The Telling of Our Story.........

I don't know how to love him- Helen Reddy

It was time to close the door. I looked after him as he asked me what he should do. I told him to walk away. It was time for him to follow his path and it was time for me to return to my journey.

I closed the door and turned around. The hallway was much longer than I remembered but then again it spanned a 60 year history. I was returning to the past and he was progressing to the future.

Until now it had been a joint venture in the present but it was time now for him to develop new skills and it was time for me to return to the memories to do my part in educating the masses.

As I turned to walk down the hallway, I was aware of all the visions. They were familiar but different somehow. I was to learn how different with each passing moment as 'We the People' had been lied to most of the 60 years.

I remember when we had joined forces some years ago. It was to be a life full of love and sweet times shared. I was of the old school and my robots were put together from used parts. His robots were futureistic.

That above statement in and of itself tells much about us. We were polar opposites in many ways (indeed we were opposites as he was all male and I was all female) and yet in other ways very similar. It was and remains still a unique relationship.

Each footstep took me to new places, even though the places were already visited, my vision now was different. I knew with each scene I would have to research to see if indeed what I was viewing was real or a lie.

I had my own history lived inside of my brain and home and it included my truth but that was mixed in with many things from the outside world that I now needed to explore.

I could revisit stories written in the newspapers with a new eye. It would be up to me what to believe and what to research further for truth.

I took two steps before realizing that the visions on the walls of the hallways were to be represented in cinamatic form. It was to be an exciting venture I decided right away.

The scenes were intermingled chronologically as I guess that's how they were stored in my memory bank.

I remember seeing the USS Liberty and it was only a minute or two after closing the door. I was shocked as I saw vividly what had taken place that day. I could see the planes and the flag. It was so real.

The next few minutes were very frightening as I realized the planes were Israeli planes.

I could see the captain on the phone........... I then saw a few of the men taking down the American flag and raising a bigger one. I was astonished and feeling very surreal.

I stepped back and closed my eyes, it was too much to comprehend. I stood there riveted until I opened my eyes once again. The scenery had changed. I was now looking at a movie screen with Sean Connery. It was Goldfinger. (That was the night that my first husband and I were told his father had passed.)

I didn't want to go through that experience again so I shut my eyes and squinted hoping the movie screen would disappear. It did.

I continued walking down the hall quickly and as I did the bits and pieces merged until I found the door I was going to enter. I would return another day to continue my journey.

I opened the door today to the hallway..... The first thing I saw was a newsreel from my high school days.

The above youtube is very much like the newsreels of my memories. The stories on present TV are not at all like the newsreels of the past.

I remember the nightly news back then and it was all about body counts of our guys. It was all about watching it over and over and seeing our kids carried out of the jungle. It was much harder back then watching it all on TV. It was even harder when our hometown newspaper carried the names of kids who had just graduated from high school in the obituaries.

I vividly remember the hundreds of times the TV news showed the JFK assassination. I remember watching over and over the horse with the boot in the stirup backwards. It will forever have a place in my memory as one of the saddest days of my life.

The saturation coverage of the assassination and burial of John F. Kennedy and the startling murder of his alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on live television yielded a shared media experience of astonishing unanimity and unmatched impact, an imbedded cultural memory that as years passed seemed to comprise a collective consciousness for a generation.

Was it all planned? I remember not long before the JFK assassination that our high school had installed an intercom system........ hmmmmmm

................ to be continued

Tonight I heard laughter from the neighborhood and the memories came forth in a gush. I closed my eyes and listened and then stepped out into the hallway.

I was pleasantly surprised at the story being played out on the wall. It was me, David, John and Bea. We were at a dinner dance and I was dressed in a pink blouse and a flowered long beautiful skirt. I had on beautiful heels and even if I do say so myself, I looked fine. hee hee.

I remember David opening the door of our new Cadillac and feeling beautiful. My hair looked great with it's hints of blonde and I felt like a princess.

The dinner, as usual, was steak, salad, bread, and a veggie. There was plenty of wine and the bar was open for all sorts of wonderful, delicious drinks.

John looked great and we talked of their trip to Hawaii. It was fun.

The band was from Lucca's in Madera and as always........ fun was had by all. The GodFather Theme


I remember the dance with John when he asked me to meet him for lunch in Merced. Of course, we were friends and I always enjoyed our times together. This time was to be different as I recognized his true feelings for me. I would later receive a ring and necklace from Hawaii.

I never suspected what my relationship with John did to his wife. I was to learn many many years later that she had become a closet alcoholic during these years.

David and I danced and laughed and socialized with many of the attendees.

Ed and his girl friend showed up late...... hmmmmmm, I wondered how his wife would react to his latest adventure. It was always drama when Ed was involved.

John asked me to dance and it was wonderful. He always looked out for me and when he saw Ed arrive with Linda he knew I would be outraged.

Ed, in his own charismatic way asked me to dance and winked at me when David invited Linda to do the same.

I remember stepping on Ed's toes and he winced but didn't comment. In his usual condescending way, he shared with me his latest escapade at the bank. It was too much and I left him standing on the dance floor.

John walked over and handed me a drink and we laughed at the situation and just as I swallowed the last sip of my drink David walked over and invited Bea to take a whirl on the dance floor. It was a night to behold as the moon was full and the breeze was blowing and the music played softly in the background.

The band took a break and I walked over and talked to the trumpet player as I had gotten to know him on our many trips to Luccas. He handed me a flower and asked if he would see me and Dave soon.

I told him we were planning an outing in two weeks and maybe, if they were playing we'd stop over to the dance floor and kick up our heels. He just laughed and sighed and walked away.

I was getting a bit flushed with all the excitement of the night and with the wine. I sat down at the table and to my surprise my husband joined me.

As the night progressed our table seemed to fill up with friends and as the band began to pack up we said our goodnights and started for the car.

It had been a nice evening and as we walked past the bar, John and Bea walked over and we left together. Ed and Linda came out of the dark and seemed to be rearranging their clothes. John called out to him and tried his damndest to embarass him but Ed never even noticed.

David commented that Ed was a bit tipsy tonight and he mentioned that he saw he and Linda walking out of the ladies room together earlier.

I was embarrassed for Gayle as I knew it humiliated her when Ed flaunted his affairs in public.

After all was said and done it had been a beautiful California night and the party had been fun.

As I watched the cinema shutting down the movie, I smiled to myself and realized it had all been soooooooo real. I cannot for the life of me remember why I had stopped at this particular place to watch tonight but it had been quite the experience reliving that night.

It was indeed better than some of the memories from my past. All of this from hearing laughter in the neighborhood in Colorado with grandkids and all. OMG, what a life I've had.

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